Workshop Sessions 2 (1:00pm - 1:45pm EST)

If you're focusing on this Track and want to learn from the best, then check out the content we have for you.

Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Kaif Bailey

Kaif Bailey

Undergraduate Student, Babson College

Zach Branham

Zach Branham

Undergraduate Student, Texas A&M University

Samantha Caridad Perez

Samantha Caridad Perez

Undergraduate Student, Boston University – Migration Tales

Teresa Fernandez

Teresa Fernandez

Undergrad Student, UNC-Pembroke, Mellon REACH Program

Selene Ho

Selene Ho

Undergrad Student, Boston University– Migration Tales

Juliana Londoño

Juliana Londoño

Juliana Londono LLC

McKenna Neal

McKenna Neal

Undergrad Student, Texas A&M University

Emma Obregon Dominguez

Emma Obregon Dominguez

Undergraduate Student, Boston University – Migration Tales

Jose Olvera

Jose Olvera

Undergraduate Student, Texas A&M University

Audrey Shen

Audrey Shen

Undergraduate Student, Boston University – Migration Tales

Serenity Truth

Serenity Truth

Undergraduate Student, Wellesley College


Let's Talk about Mental Health - First Gen Edition (Olin 102)

Juliana Londoño

Oral Histories on the Quality of Life of 1st and 2nd Generation Latino’s in the United States (Malloy 202)

Teresa Fernandez

Migration Tales: The Power of Storytelling (Malloy 201)

Selene Ho Samantha Caridad Perez Emma Obregon Dominguez Audrey Shen

Unpacking the Disparity in First Gen Graduation Rates (Malloy 101)

Kaif Bailey

The Picture on Our Fridge is Our Identity (Olin 101)

Serenity Truth

Promoting Wellbeing: An Integrated Approach for College Students (Malloy 102)

McKenna Neal Zach Branham Jose Olvera